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Q: What is the name of the smallest cell in a plant cell?
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The smallest plant in the world?

The smallest plant is the uni-cellular Fresh Water Green Algae (Chlamydomonas genus).

What is the smallest living part of a plant or an animal?

the smallest living things are made of of a single cell

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What is the name of smallest cell of brain?

Granule cell

What is the smallest cell in the animal or plant?

im not positive, but im guessing the nucleus.

What cell is smallest... stem or root or or leaf?

Usually the root, but it really depends on the plant.

What is the proper name for the worlds smallest cell?

The smallest type of cell in the world is the mycoplasma bacterium with only a diameter of 10µm (micrometre).

Name a cell that comes from a plant?

lunar cell

Name the longest cell which is founded in the plant?

The longest cell in plant is fibre of Ramie.

What is the smallest growing plant in the world?

The smallest plant in the world is fresh water green algae. They are unicellular, and a single cell is less than 25 micrometers (one-millionth of a meter) long.

What the worlds smallest cell?

bacteria or another name for it is eubactra

What is the name Golgi apparatus in plant cell?

the name