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National anthem.

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Q: What is the name of the song that Francis Scott Key wrote?
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Which people wrote The Star Spangled Banner?

The lyrics came from "Defence of Fort M'Henry", a poem written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key.

What was the name of the song by Francis Scott Key with the lyrics I am confident you have heard it and probably even swung it?

The name of that song is "Star Spangled Banner".

Who wrote the US's National Anthem?

"The Star-Spangled Banner" is a poem written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key and is the national anthem of the United States of America. Key, a 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet, wrote it after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland by British ships in Chesapeake Bay during the War of 1812. The Star-spangled banner is the popular name for the national ensign of the United States It became well known as a patriotic song to the tune of a popular English song, "To Anacreon in Heaven." It was recognized for official use by the United States Navy (1889), by the White House (1916), and was made the national anthem by a Congressional resolution on March 3, 1931. Although the song has four verses, only the first is commonly sung today.

Was francis Scott key the creator of the star spangle banner song?

In a way. Francis Scott Key wrote the poem called The Siege of Fort McHenry. A Baltimore newspaper later put it to the tune of an old English drinking song: The Nightingale; To Anacreon in Heaven. The Star Spangled Banner was not officially made our national anthem until the 1930s.

What patriotic song was written by Francis Scott Key as he looked over the remain from the War of 1812's Battle of Baltimore?

Francis Scott Key wrote a poem (named Defence of Fort M'Henry) which became the lyrics for the US National Anthem, The Star Spangle Banner, after watching the British bombardment of Ft McHenry (Baltimore) during the War of 1812.The music for his lyrics came from an old English drinking song, To Anacreon in Heaven.

Related questions

Who wrote the national song for the US?

Francis Scott Key

Who wrote the natonal anthem song?

Francis Scott Key

Which people wrote The Star Spangled Banner?

The lyrics came from "Defence of Fort M'Henry", a poem written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key.

Did francis Scott key wrote the national anthem?

He wrote the lyrics. The tune came from an English drinking song.

Who wrote national song?

For the United States of America (my country), the lyrics are "The Defense of Fort McHenry" (commonly called "The Star Spangled Banner") and were written by Francis Scott Key. The music is "To Anacreon in Heaven", a British beer hall song by John Stafford Smith. The song is called "The Star Spangled Banner". It became our National Anthem in 1931.

Who is the person who wrote US national anthem?

The music is from an English drinking song The_Anacreontic_Song

What happened in Baltimore Marilyn and what connection did that have with Francis Scott Key?

There was the war of 1812 and Francis Scott Key from a ship in the Baltimore Harbor wrote the Song Te Star Spangled Banner."

What was the name of the song by Francis Scott Key with the lyrics I am confident you have heard it and probably even swung it?

The name of that song is "Star Spangled Banner".

Who was the writer of the star spangled banner?

Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner" in 1814. The music is based on an English song called "To Anacreon in Heaven."

Did the person who wrote the words to The Star Spangled Banner also write the melody to the song?

{| |- | Francis Scott Key wrote the words to the Star Spangled Banner. He did not write the music. The melody came from an old drinking song. |}

Who wrote the US's National Anthem?

"The Star-Spangled Banner" is a poem written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key and is the national anthem of the United States of America. Key, a 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet, wrote it after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland by British ships in Chesapeake Bay during the War of 1812. The Star-spangled banner is the popular name for the national ensign of the United States It became well known as a patriotic song to the tune of a popular English song, "To Anacreon in Heaven." It was recognized for official use by the United States Navy (1889), by the White House (1916), and was made the national anthem by a Congressional resolution on March 3, 1931. Although the song has four verses, only the first is commonly sung today.

Writer of the star-Spangel banner?

Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics to the tune of an English drinking ( I guess you'd say: "Folk Song).