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Bonnie Blue is the Confederate States of America National Flag.

Stars and Bars is the Confedate War Flag

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Q: What is the name of the southern flag in the civil war?
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In the civil war what was the name of the northern flag?

The American flag.

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What is the southern name for the Civil War?

The South called the Civil War "The War Between the States." A Civil War is fought within a country, and the Confederacy considered themselves an independent nation.

What is the name of the war that was fought between the northern and southern states of the united states?

The Civil War

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There was no president of Southern Sudan during the civil war.

What is one name for the war between the Northern and the Southern states?

The Civil War a.k.a. "The War Between The States"

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Name for Southern Soldiers?

Another name for southern soldiers in the Civil War is "Johnny Rebs."

What is the name also given to the American Civil War?

The conflict of the US Civil War is referred to in Southern histories as "The War of the Rebellion", and otherwise frequently as "The War Between the States".