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Kelae, Hawaii

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Q: What is the name of the southernmost of the major Hawaiian islands?
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What is is the name of the southernmost of the major Hawaiian Island?

That would be Hawaii or the Big Island.

What is the name of the southern most of the major hawaiian island?

The Big Island of Hawaii is the largest and southernmost island of the state of Hawaii. It has an area of 4,028 square miles and is larger than all the other Hawaiian Islands combined .

What is the name of the southern most of the major Hawaiian islands-?

Ka Lae (Hawaiian: the point), also known as South Point, is the southernmost point of the Big Island of Hawaii and of the 50 United States. The Ka Lae area is registered as a National Historic Landmark District under the name South Point Complex.

What was the original name of the Hawaiian island?

The Hawaiian islands were originally known as the Sandwich Islands.

What is the name of southern most hawaiian island?

Hawaii or call it the Big Island.

Another name for the hawaiian islands?

Sandwich Islands after the English earl of Sandwich

What is another name for the sandwich islands?

In 1778, Captain James Cook gave the name "Sandwich islands" to what is now known as the Hawaiian islands, or Hawaii.

What is name nene mean?

The Hawaiian Goose or Nēnē, Branta sandvicensis, is a species of goose endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. The official bird of the State of Hawaiʻi, the Nēnē is exclusively found in the wild on the islands of Maui, Kauaʻi and Hawaiʻi. The Nēnē gets its Hawaiian name from its soft call.

In Hawaiian what does Hawaii mean?

In Hawaiian, "Hawaii" means "homeland" or "place of the gods." It refers to the native name for the Hawaiian Islands.

What is the name of the new volcanoe forming in the Hawaiian islands?

I believe it is Loih'i

The name of a pacific island group?

The Hawaiian Islands. Polynesia.

What is the name for the hawaiian volcano goddess?

There are two active volcanoes in the Hawaiian islands, Mauna Loa and Kilauea