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Radioactive decay.

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Q: What is the name of the spontaneous process that releases particles and energy from the nucleus of an atom?
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What has radioactivity in it?

Radioactivity is the process of process of spontaneous disintegration of nucleus and is measured by Geiger counter. It remains unaffected by external factors like temperatures, pressure etc. It involves emission of alpha, beta and gamma particles/rays.

Any process where the nucleus emits particles is called?


What is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus emits charged particles or energy or both?

It is the process of Radioactivity.

What are radioactivity?

Radioactivity was discovered by Henry Becquerel but the term 'Radioactivity' was given by Madam Curie. It is the process of process of spontaneous disintegration of nucleus and is measured by Geiger counter.

What does being radioactive mean?

Exhibiting or caused by radioactivity.Radioactivity: the spontaneous emission of a stream of particles or electromagnetic rays in nuclear decay.Examples are radioactive isotopes [an unstable nucleus that undergoes radioactive decay], radioactive dating [the process by which the approximate age of an object is determined based on the amount of certain radioactive nuclides present], and radioactive decay [the spontaneous disintegration of a nucleus into a slightly lighter and more stable nucleus, accompanied by emission of particles, electromagnetic radiation, or both.]

What process is a radioactive decay?

The process of a radioactive decay is atomic nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting ionizing particles

Is spontaneous fusion a form of radioactive decay?

No, the fusion process is the opposite of the radioactive decay process. Fusion is the merging together of nuclei to form a heavier nucleus whereas fission or radioactive decay is the splitting apart of a heavy nucleus into lighter daughter nuclei.

What word describes the process of a heavy atomic nucleus splitting into several smaller particles?


What does the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus emits charged particles or energy or both?

In the process of radioactive decay an unstable atomic nucleus emits energy to get closer to a state of stability. Whether this energy is emitted in particles, electromagnetic radiation, or both depends on which decay paths are available to the nucleus and which decay paths are forbidden to the nucleus by Quantum Mechanics.Some of the decay processes are:alpha - energy is released in the momentum of the ejected alpha particle (helium nucleus)beta - energy is released in the momentum of the ejected electron or positron (and the hard to detect neutrino)gamma - energy is released as electromagnetic radiation (gamma ray photon)spontaneous fission - energy is released in the momentum of the ejected fission product atoms and the ejected neutrons

Forming attractions between solute and solvent particles is an?

For all plato users it's D. exothermic process, which releases energy(:

What is spontaneous process explain the role of free energy in these processes?

what is spontaneous process".Explain the role of free energy in these processes.

Is radioactivity natural?

yes, radioactivity is natural. It is the natural process by which elements having neutron-proton ratio more than 1.5 disintegrate the nucleus to release particles like alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, positrons etc. This process continues until the nucleus of the atom is stable with the neutron-proton ration less than or equal to 1.5. Usually the natural process of radioactivity ends with the formation of Lead.