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There are many different strains of yeast used, they each have different properties and some believe different strains my add different flavors to the wine!

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Q: What is the name of the yeast that makes beer?
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What does yeast do in ginger beer?

because its the fermentation of the yeast that gives the beer alcohol.

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Does beer or wine contain yeast?

There is defintely yeast in beer that's what makes the bubbles but im unsure about wine

What is the name of the microorganism present in beer?

i think its yeast

What is the result of bubbles in beer and in wine?

As a result of brewing beer and wine with a sugar and yeast, the yeast consumes the sugar and produces carbon dioxide (which makes the carbonation/fizzy bubbles) and alcohol.

What is scientiffic name is yeast?

budding yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisae which means means "sugar fungus from beer".

How is yeast used in beer?

yeast is used to activate the flavor in beer

Does beer have yeast in it?

The yeast is used in beer-making to ferment the sugars that are contained in the sweet liquid called wort or beer that isn't fermented yet. If no yeast was introduced to the wort, none of the sugars would ferment into alcohol. In short, it makes the alcohol. Ha ha Is that true? I dont believe it!

What organism is used to produce beer?

Name the organism that carries out fermentation

Where does marmite get its yeast from?

Marmite and Vegemite are both made with yeast extract. The product Marmite is a British brand name and is an edible paste that is spread on bread products like a peanut butter. It is also drank as a hot beverage.

Can you brew beer with bakers yeast?

Since it's yeast, it would produce beer but not nearly at the quality a specific beer brewing yeast would. Beer brewing should use specific strains of yeast to properly activate fermentation that turns the sugars of the beer into alcohol. Different types of beer require different types of yeast in the recipe to turn out properly. Baker's yeast is specifically intended for baking, while Brewers yeast is what you would want to use for brewing beer. If you use bakers yeast for beer brewing, your recipe will not turn out properly and your batch of beer will be probably not taste very good.

Name 2 things made with yeast?

Beer and bread come instantly to mind...