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Q: What is the national lesbian color?
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When was National Center for Lesbian Rights created?

National Center for Lesbian Rights was created in 1977.

What is the web address of the One National Gay And Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles California?

The web address of the One National Gay And Lesbian Archives is:

What is the phone number of the One National Gay And Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles California?

The phone number of the One National Gay And Lesbian Archives is: 213-741-0094.

What is national lesbian day?

It's where we celebrate the homo women.

Where is the One National Gay And Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles California located?

The address of the One National Gay And Lesbian Archives is: 909 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90007-2406

National color of the US?

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When is national silence day?

The National Day of Silence is for all Gay, Lesbian , Bisexual, and transgender, people to stop the harassment that is inflicted on them.

What is the national currency of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands?

The "pink dollar."

What is the national anthem of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands?

"I Am What I Am" by Gloria Gaynor.

When is national day of silence?

It's for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans-gender people who have suffered through the pain of harassment and bullying because of their sexual orientation.

What is the national color of Kenya?

Many countries have formally adopted a set of colors as their national colors and part of their national symbols. Officially, Kenya has no national color.