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hi, some time back while brousing the net I read an interesting an valid point why Sags are emotionless.The story goes like this, once one very young boy was restless an had sex with his own mother. Mother just waited to give birth to a male child and immediately turned into a tree.Those babies grew big on their own as wanderers and adventurers. These children are called as Sagittarians. Around that time Jupiter, the planet of Expansion rules the sun sign and blessed the children in excess. They are called as the children of Zodiac an also Stars of Zodiac. They love freedom and follow idealism. They seek truth and speak truth. world famous Walt Disney, Mark Twain are few of many personolities born in this sign. I observed many many of my relatives, friends born in this sign. Being born in mutable sign easy to convince them. They adjsut well. But these days every one prefers freedom. it is always our attitude towards life that shoud change. we need not literally live in the positive and negative traits that are given by various Astrology sites. Study of Natal charts are equally important to guide a person's attitude towards life. According to me all the signs are equally good and have shade too. lET us try and make this planet a better place to live with peace. Thanx for providing me a place to express my feeling.

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i ain't answering that i thought that you were going to answer it dang now after i write this will i get a different answer the right one please

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Q: What is the native American story about Sagittarius?
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