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Q: What is the natural source of hydrogen?
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Related questions

Can you burn hydrogen in a household furnace?

If you have a source of hydrogen then yes. You just want to enrich the mixture a bit from what you normally would with natural gas.

What is the energy source for hydrogen?

the energy source for hydrogen is semen ;)

Which elements do natural gas and air provide for ammonia process?

Natural gas, also known as methane, is a source of hydrogen, and air consists mainly of nitrogen, so the two can be used to form ammonia, which is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen.

Does hydrogen have an energy source?

Hydrogen is an element and an energy source itself.

Why is hydrogen a renewable fuel?

Hydrogen is not a renewable fuel. It is a secondary energy source (or an energy carrier) that could be produced using another primary energy source. Hydrogen could be produced using either renewable primary energy source (e.g. solar energy), nuclear energy, or by using fossil fuel (e.g. natural gas)

How is hydrogen converted to energy?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel (the same way as natural gas) for vehicles (cars, buses, ...etc) either in gaseous, liquid, or solid form (as metalhydride).Hydrogen can be used for electricity generation using hydrogen fuel cells.Hydrogen can be used (as natural gas) as heat source for kocking or heating purposes or industrial applications.

How do you obtain the hydrogen from nature?

Hydrogen in nature exists as compounds with other atoms like oxygen (water) or carbon (natural gas, sugar, wood, etc). To get pure hydrogen, you need to separate it chemically from its friends. Like electrolysis of water into H2 and O2. Or reacting natural gas with high temperature steam, the source of most commercial hydrogen today.

What is hydrogen in its natural state?

hydrogen is a liquid

Is hydrogen man made or natural?


Is hydrogen man-made or natural?


What atomic nucleus has the highest charge density on earth?

Hydrogen - it consists of a single (charged) proton with no (neutral) neutrons. Source: Degree in Natural Sciences

What is natural sources?

The sun is an example of a natural light source. A source which gives of light that is natural (not made by electricity) is a natural light source.