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Q: What is the neuron part that picks up signals from other neurons?
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What is neuron part that picks up signals from other neurons?


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What picks up signals from other cells?

Neuro Transmitters

What neuron picks up a stimulus?

A sensory Neuron picks up the stimulus from the environment and changes it into a nerve impulse.

Define relay neuron?

a relay neuron is the neuron that picks up the message from the sensory neuron and delivers it to the motor neuron in the spinal cord or the brain

What is the function of relay neuron?

A relay neuron is the neuron that picks up the message from the sensory neuron and delivers it to the motor neuron in the spinal cord then to the brain.

The cell body of a neuron collects information from which structure?

The part of the neuron that picks up information and sends it to the cell body is the dendrite. Electrical stimulation is transmitted by upstream neurons onto dendrites, and the dendrites integrate and determine the extent to which action potentials are produced.

What picks up a stimulus from the environment and changes it into a nerve?

A sensory Neuron picks up the stimulus from the environment and changes it into a nerve impulse.

What features does a marine radio have that a regular radio does not have?

The features that a marine radio has that a regular radio does not is it picks up signals from other boats aside from the boat that it is installed on.

What is analog-TV?

Its a television with an analog tuner built in. It picks up analog signals.

How many functions of neurons in the nervous system?

Neurons are pathways for electrical messages to pass through. Their main function is to pass a message from one neuron to another. As a whole, they transmit these messages between a receptor (something that picks up a stimulus. A stimulus includes things such as temperature, pressure, pain etc.), the brain and an effector (something which carries out the response to the stimulus). There are three main types of neurons: Sensory neurons - receive message from receptor and transmit it to the -> Interneurons - receive message from sensory neurons and pass it on to the brain*. The brain responds and the interneurons pass the message on to the -> Motor neurons - receive message from interneurons and pass it on to an effector. *In the case of a reflex arc, where there is an unconscious response (e.g. touching a hot object) the message will bypass the brain and go straight from receptor to sensory to interneuron to motor to effector.

What type of neuron picks up stimuli from the external or internal environment and convert those stimuli to nerve impulses?

uit ykhfut di8hlik im gaaay