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Q: What is the neutralizer muscle of the leg extension?
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Leg extension exercises focus on which muscle region of the body?

Leg extension exercises focus on quadriceps.

Which muscle group is primarily worked by the leg extension?

the quadriceps

What muscle is the primary mover in the leg extension?

The vastus medialis is involved in leg extensions.

What is the action of the quadriceps muscle group?

Flexing the thigh, extending the leg, adducts leg

Leg curl is a muscular resistance exercise that primarily works which muscle group?

The leg curl and leg extension exercises strengthens two muscle groups. The two muscle groups are the hamstring muscles and the quads or quadricep muscles.

What type of muscular contraction is leg extension?

There are 3 types of muscle contraction in the leg extention and they are Concentric, Isometric, and Eccentric contractions.

The seated leg extension isolates the?

The seated leg extension isolates the...

What is the agonist muscle in hip flexion?

Rectus femoris+ anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus lateralis+ lateral anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus Medialis+ medial anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus intermedius+ deep anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Sartorius (*) parallel strap-like muscle that crosses thigh flexion of knee forward Biceps femoris* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee Semitendinosus* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee Semimembranosus* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee

What muscle swings your thigh backwards?

The function of the gluteus maximus (G-max) is primarily upper leg (thigh) extension, such as moving the upper leg backward as in rising from a squat position.

Agonists in knee extension?

An agonist muscle is a muscle that plays a part in the extension of a muscle. The agonist muscles for a knee extension are the quadriceps and hamstrings.

What are examples of reverse muscle action of the human body?

The rectus femoris THe regular Muscle Action is hip flexion with knee extension, as in kicking a ball or doing a straight leg raise The reverse muscle action is still hip flexion with knee extension, but as in doing sit-ups while lying supine with knes straight ahead

How does an over-extension of a muscle feel?

The over-extension of a muscle might feel like burning or pain in the muscle. After the exercise, the muscle can feel sore or even swollen.