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The vastus medialis is involved in leg extensions.

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The Quadriceps

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Q: What muscle is the primary mover in the leg extension?
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Leg extension exercises focus on which muscle region of the body?

Leg extension exercises focus on quadriceps.

Which muscle group is primarily worked by the leg extension?

the quadriceps

What is the agonist muscle in hip flexion?

Rectus femoris+ anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus lateralis+ lateral anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus Medialis+ medial anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus intermedius+ deep anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Sartorius (*) parallel strap-like muscle that crosses thigh flexion of knee forward Biceps femoris* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee Semitendinosus* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee Semimembranosus* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee

What is the action of the quadriceps muscle group?

Flexing the thigh, extending the leg, adducts leg

Leg curl is a muscular resistance exercise that primarily works which muscle group?

The leg curl and leg extension exercises strengthens two muscle groups. The two muscle groups are the hamstring muscles and the quads or quadricep muscles.

What is the primary muscle used in a leg raise?

it works your abs

What type of muscular contraction is leg extension?

There are 3 types of muscle contraction in the leg extention and they are Concentric, Isometric, and Eccentric contractions.

Prime mover muscle used in waking up stairs?

Your leg muscles work together to help you walk up stairs.

What is the primary muscle used in a hanging leg raise?

it works your abs

Where is your gastrocnemius?

This muscle is found in the lower part of the leg

Why does rectus femoris become active in leg extension?

The rectus femoris becomes active in a leg extension because one of the actions of the rectus femoris is hip extension, as well as knee extension. The rectus femoris crosses both the hip and knee on the anterior side of the body. When the leg is extended it is one of the primary movers, whether it be straight leg extension, in which case it is the rectus femoris, illium and psoas muscles. In knee extension the rectus femoris works in conjunction with the other 3 quadriceps. However, in the case of a seated leg extension the rectus femois is less active, due to it already being shortened for the hip extension.

What two bellied muscle makes up the calf region of the leg and what is its function?

gastrocnemiusThis muscle is a two-bellied muscle that forms the curved calf of the posterior leg. It arises by two heads, one from each side of the distal femur. It is a prime mover for plantar flexion of the foot.The gastrocnemius muscle is a two-bellied muscle that forms the curved calf of the posterior leg.gastrocnemius