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The rectus femoris becomes active in a leg extension because one of the actions of the rectus femoris is hip extension, as well as knee extension. The rectus femoris crosses both the hip and knee on the anterior side of the body. When the leg is extended it is one of the primary movers, whether it be straight leg extension, in which case it is the rectus femoris, illium and psoas muscles. In knee extension the rectus femoris works in conjunction with the other 3 quadriceps. However, in the case of a seated leg extension the rectus femois is less active, due to it already being shortened for the hip extension.

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Q: Why does rectus femoris become active in leg extension?
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all sports. A "rectus femoris" is a part of your body

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It is the rectus femoris, which along with the action of knee extension, it also flexes the hip

Where is rectus femoris muscle found?

The rectus femoris is found in the middle of the front of the thigh.

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Hip Extension the agonist would be Glutues Maximus

Is the rectus femoris anterior to the vastus intermedius?

Yes the rectus femoris is anterior to the vastus intermedius, vastus intermedius is a deep muscle that we need to cut the rectus femoris in order to see it.

What is the function of the rectus femoris muscle?

Rectus Femoris is a quadricep muscle located in the anterior thigh, on top of the vastus intermedius (another quadricep). All of the quadriceps insert to the patella, and the tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament. Together they are responsible for extension of the knee. Rectus Femoris is the only quadricep that also crosses the hip joint (acetabulofemoral joint) and attaches to the AIIS (anterior inferior iliac spine). Because of this, Rectus Femoris also assists in flexion of the hip.

What is the scientific name for rectus femoris?

This is the scientific name. Rectus means to be upright, Femoris means pertaining to the femur.

What kind of muscle is the rectus femoris?

The rectus femoris is one of the quadriceps muscles located on the anterior (front) surface of the thigh.