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This is a matter about which many denominations give different answers. And I suspect that is simply because the NT is not clear on the subject. However, from sources received in recent years, it would appear that the new birth is caused by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can be discerned when you have a sense of "the peace that knows no understanding". While many people have had that experience, very few are able to experience it on demand. Another description of the ingress of the Holy Spirit is contained in Luke 24:32 where the disciples express amazement at the burning they feel within their hearts. But the key point is that one needs to have this experience over a long period of time to complete the process of the new birth, and to do that you need to train your soul to open itself to the inflowing of God's Love which the Holy Spirit will deliver. The Holy Spirit does this every time you open yourself to God, in love. But its a response to your love, not your intellect.

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Q: What is the new birth in the New Testament?
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