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Q: What is the next step of CPU instruction?
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Role of instruction pointer in 8086?

Its role is to point to the next instruction to be executed in the CPU. It always points to the next instruction to be executed in the CPU

Which step of the machine cycle retrieves the next program instruction from memory?


Name the part of the computer that stores all information and software?

The Hard Drive is the main storage unit in a normal, desktop computer. This is the only internal component in a standard computer that has information when the machine is turned off (all your saved files, the operating system (such as Windows), etc). There are other components (such as RAM, or Random Access Memory) that store data, but this usually serves a special purpose, or is only at run-time.

How does the CPU keep track of which instruction to execute next?

The instruction register holds a pointer to the current instruction (in working memory) while the next instruction register points to the next instruction (the first instruction immediately after the current instruction's operands). If the current instruction is a jump instruction, it can change the next instruction register, allowing the program to branch to a new instruction once the jump instruction is processed. The next instruction pointer is automatically moved into the current instruction register once the current instruction has been processed. The entire process of executing an instruction is known as the fetch-decode-execute cycle.

What is IR in microprocessor?

it's instruction pointer register it's in cpu and it holds the instruction which the cpu fetching it from memory

Instruction cycle with indirect?

In an instruction cycle with indirect addressing, the CPU fetches the instruction, decodes it to determine the memory address of the operand stored in a register, fetches the operand from the memory location pointed to by the register, and executes the instruction using the operand. Finally, the CPU stores the result back in memory if needed. This extra step of fetching the operand based on the indirect memory address adds complexity to the instruction cycle.

How program instructions transfer in and out of memory?

The instructions have to remain in memory at all times while the program is running. They get there by loading the entire program into memory. The CPU's instruction registers keep track of the current instruction and the next instruction.

What is the function of the PC register in the 8086 CPU?

There is no PC register in the 8086/8088. It is called the IP register by Intel and it stands for the Instruction Pointer. It contains the address of the current/next instruction to be executed.

Describe the function of the instruction set of a CPU?

They tell the CPU where to find the data, when to read it, and what to do with it.

Which CPU's have the SSE4 instruction set?

Planned x86 processors will have the SSE4 instruction set.

What is considered a function of the instruction set for the CPU?

The Functions of the instruction set is to instruct All CPU's with a set of instructions: Tells the CPU where to find data When to read the data What to do with the data. Hope that helps Don

What is the instruction set in CPU?

It is a system of coded numbers that when read by the CPU control unit are interpreted as commands for the various operations it can perform. Each different type of CPU has a differently coded instruction set.