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In the sentence, horse is the only noun, and it is the subject of the sentence.

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Q: What is the noun in the sentence the horse was old?
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Which is the noun in this sentence.the horse was old?

In this sentence, I think 'horse' is the noun.

What is the function of a noun in the sentences?

The noun tells the reader who/what the sentence is referring to. For example: Sally rode the horse. ((It tells you WHO rode the horse.)) The chair is broken. ((It tells you WHAT is broken. )) Without the noun, you won't know who/what the sentence refers to: Rode the horse. Is broke.

How do you write asingular possessive noun sentence about a horse?

A possessive noun is indicated by adding an apostrophe s ('s) to the end of the noun or, adding just an apostrophe to the end of a plural noun that already ends with an s (s').A possessive noun indicates that something in the sentence belongs to that noun (a horse's age = the age of the horse).A group of words based on a noun is called a noun phrase.A noun phrase functions as a noun as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:The horse's age is four years. (subject of the sentence)The age that the horse's owner states is four years. (subject of the relative clause)The owner filled the horse's trough with water. (direct object of the verb 'filled')We struck a deal with the horse's owner. (object of the preposition 'with')

What type of pronoun is horse?

The word 'horse' is not a pronoun.The word 'horse' is a noun and a verb.The noun 'horse' is a word for a type of animal; a word for a thing.The verb to 'horse' is to provide with this type of animal; to haul or hoist energetically; a word for an action.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'horse' is it.If the gender of the horse is known, the pronouns he or she as a subject, and him or her as an object can take the place of the noun 'horse'.Examples:The sheriff rode a horse in the parade. (noun)The workers struggled to horse the heavy safe into place. (verb)I saw the horse in the pasture. It is a beautiful brown. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'horse' in the second sentence)When the horse saw the groom, sheapproached the fence. (the pronoun 'she' takes the place of the noun 'horse' as the subject of the sentence)The horse seemed so large that the children were afraid to approach him. (the pronoun 'him' takes the place of the noun 'horse' as the direct object of the verb 'approach')

What is the possessive noun for the shoes of the horse?

"The shoes of the horse" is not a sentence, it is a noun phrase; the phrase has no verb. There is no possessive noun is the phrase. The possessive form for the phrase is: "The horse'sshoes...".

What is the noun in this sentence the tree was old?

The noun is tree, a word for a thing.

What is the noun in the sentence how old are you now?

There is no noun. The subject is the pronoun "you."

Homophone for horse?

The word 'horse' is a noun and a verb.A noun will function as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:The horse was in the barn.The noun 'horse' is the subject of the sentence.The noun 'barn' is the object of the preposition 'in'.I'll bring some carrots which my horse loves.The noun 'carrots' is the direct object of the verb 'bring'.The noun 'horse' is the subject of the relative clause.

How do you write a sentence that uses old as noun?

Old is relative.

What is an noun for old?

The word 'old' is a noun as well as an adjective. The noun old is used as a category, such as the old and the new; the horse is a four year old; or a long time past, 'the days of old'. The noun form for the adjective old is oldness.

What is the pronoun in this sentence Marie Dorian untied the horse and loaded it with supplies?

The pronoun in the sentence is it.The pronoun "it" is functioning as the direct object of the verb "loaded".The antecedent of the pronoun "it" is the noun "horse".

What is the pronoun for this sentence that horse is my favorite?

The pronoun in the sentence is my.The pronoun 'my' is a possessive adjective a word placed before a noun to describe that noun as belonging to the speaker (the favorite of the person speaking).