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The noun forms of the verb to succeed is succeeder (one who succeeds) and the gerund, succeeding.

Related noun forms are success and succession.

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Q: What is the noun of the verb succeed?
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What is the noun of the verb succeed -?

The noun forms of the verb to succeed is succeeder (one who succeeds) and the gerund, succeeding.Related noun forms are success and succession.

What is a noun for succeed?

The adjective form of succeed is successful.

What is the abstract noun of a verb succeed?

The abstract noun forms for the verb to succeed are succession and the gerund, succeeding.A related abstract noun is success.

Is Succeeded an abstract noun?

Succeeded is a verb, a form of to succeed. The abstract noun form is success.

Is succeed a noun?

No, the word 'succeed' is a verb, a word meaning to achieve the desired aim or result; to flourish, prosper, or thrive; to replace another in office or position; to come next in time or order.The noun form for the verb to succeed is the gerund, succeeding.Related noun forms are success, succession, and successor.

Is successful the verb form of success?

success is a noun, but it also has adjectival, adverbial and verb forms: successful (adj), successfully (adv) and succeed (v).

Is the word will a verb or a noun?

The word 'will' is both a verb (will, wills, willing, willed) and a noun (will, wills).Examples:If you won't do it, I will. (verb)The doctor will see you now. (auxiliary verb)The family is coming for the reading of his will. (concrete noun)She has the will to succeed. (abstract noun)

Will verb or pronoun?

The word 'will' is a verb and a noun.The verb 'will' functions as a main verb or an auxiliary verb.Examples:You have to will yourself to keep going. (verb)We will leave on Friday. (auxiliary verb)The reading of the will is on Friday. (noun)He has the will to succeed. (noun)

What is an abstract noun for adjective succeed?

The word succeed is not an adjective; succeed is a verb (succeed, succeeds, succeeding, succeeded).The abstract noun forms are successor, succession, success, and the gerund, succeeding.The adjective forms are successive, successful.

Is successful abstract noun for succeed?

No, the word successful is an adjective; the noun form for the adjective is successfulness.The word 'succeed' is a verb (succeed, succeeds, succeeding, succeeded).The noun forms for the verb to succeed are successor, succession, success, and the gerund, succeeding.

Is the word succeed an abstract noun?

No, the word 'succeed' is not a noun.The word 'succeed' is a verb, a word meaning to turn out well; to reach a desired goal; to be successful; to follow after another in order; to come next after another in office or position.The noun form of the verb to succeed is success or succession, both are abstract nouns as words for concepts.

Is the word will a pronoun?

No, the word 'will' is a verb (or auxiliary verb) and a noun.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Examples:If Jack says he will do it. Hewill. (The pronouns 'he' take the place of the noun 'Jack'; auxiliary verb 'will do' and verb 'will')Jack's will to succeed is very strong. (the noun 'will')