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There are 46 chromosomes that you would expect to find in a white blood cell. The human cells usually have 23 pairs of chromosomes which amounts to 46.

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Q: What is the number of chromosomes in one white blood cell?
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Do white blood cells have chromosomes?

A white blood cell have 23 pairs [i.e 46] of chromosomes like other body cells but a germ cell always have 23 chromosomes[i.e half the number of normal body cells].

Why does white blood cell have 43 chromosome?

A normal human white blood cell has 46 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are seen in the human sperm cell but not in a human blood cell?

The human sperm cell has 23 chromosomes. White blood cells have 46 chromosomes. Mature red blood cells to not contain a nucleus, and therefore has no chromosomes. Platelets are cell fragments and also do not contain nuclei.

Is macrophage a chromosomes?

A macrophage is a type of white blood cell; it is not a chromosome.

How many chromosomes are seen in a human sperm cell more than a human blood cell?

Red blood cells have no genetic information in them. White blood cells have the usual diploid number 46 (23 pairs). Sperm cells are haploid, so have 23 chromosomes.

Is a white blood cell a haploid or a diploid?

Diploid, it is somatic cell therefore will contain 46 chromosomes (23pairs) in humans

How can you get the gender of a person through a drop of blood?

Assuming that the drop of blood had a white blood cell you could test the DNA for the sex chromosomes.

What formed elements of blood have chromosomes?

Of the formed elements in blood, only the white blood cells have chromosomes. Platelets are cell fragments, not cells, and red blood cells lose their chromosome-containing nuclei during the maturation process.

WBC count with differential?

The white blood cell count and differential determine the number of white blood cells and the percentage of each type of white blood cell in a person's blood.

How many chromosomes are they in a human body cell?

like ever other cell in the body it has 46 Chromosomes or 2 sets of 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A mature RBC has no nucleus. Therefore, it has no chromosome. The average life span of a RBC is 120 days.

How many chromosomes does a red blood cell have?

A red blood cells does not have any chromosomes. Red blood cells do not have a nucleus so it is impossible for them to have chromosomes.

What kind of cell involves chromosomes?

Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of a cell.