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Gay people don't have names that are associated with their sexual orientation, mainly because when they are born, their parents don't yet know that they are gay. So the choice name has nothing to do with that.

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Q: What is the number one name for gay male and females?
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Is the first name Gay female or male name?

male Refers to homosexual male/lesbian would be the girl. If you mean as in someone's first name, I have only seen it for females. (example Gay Ellis, UFO)

Do gay males have sexual feelings for females?

No. A male with sexual feelings for females as well as males would be called a bisexual male.

If you like trannys are you gay?

Not Exactly if your a male and you like males you gay if you like females your strait and bi if you like both trannies are females in male body they have a female figure and still a male parts you would be attracted to the female and like to try a male parts so bi curious

Why does a gay man sleep with a woman?

to hide the fact he is gay or he might just like both male and females i have known both types

What is a name for gay male?

"Bruce" is a fairly stereotypical one. There's also "Ace" and "Gary", though they're ambiguous.

Are you gay if you let other men give you blow jobs and hand jobs but you are only atracted to girls?

Male attracted only to other males = gay Female attracted to only to other females = gay Male attracted only to females = straight Female attracted only to males = straight Male attracted to both females and males = bi Female attracted to both females and males = bi Male attracted to all genders (male, female, cis, trans, androgynous, intersex, ect) = pan Female attracted to all genders (male, female, cis, trans, androgynous, intersex, ect) = pan Attraction =/= actions. If you're male and aren't attracted to the males you're having these liaisons with, you're straight. HOWEVER, sexuality is not solid static thing. If you think you're gay and would like to label yourself as gay, that is perfectly fine. Who's to tell you what you really are? That's your job. Edit: good answer - clearly written - straight (no pun intended !) to the point.

When can you tell if you are gay or lesbian?

Uh...the same way you can tell if you are heterosexual. If you are gay you are a male who is sexually/romantically attracted to other males. If you are a lesbian you are a female who is sexually/romantically attracted to other females.

Are all females gay?

No. Many are gay and many are straight.

What is a Japanese male name that means shadow?

Kage (pronounced "kah-gay")

What does gay male mean?

gay male means you, as a male, are attracted to other males.

What are the typeds of gay meanings?

Gay is: gay sexualy, male to male contact gay is alos an ilsand and then gay can mean Happy

What does a gay sexual parts look like?

Just like any other human beings sexual organs; just because they are gay does not make them any different. A male sexual organ is still a penis, whether he is gay or not and vice-versa for females.