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The Ocellaris clown fish is a species of clown fish that is also known as a "False Percula," after its resemblance to the rarer Percula Clownfish. It is a very popular species for the saltwater aquarium and due to its tolerance of dead food and peaceful temperament is ideal for the beginner. It is orange with white bands and grows to about 7 cm long. Ideally it should be kept with an anemone to allow it to behave naturally. It can be kept singly or in pairs. Nemo (from the blockbuster "Finding Nemo") was an Ocellaris clown.

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Q: What is the ocellaris clown fish?
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What type of fish is nemo?

Nemo is a 'ocellaris clownfish' .

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There are many types of clown fish. The one most commonly referred to is in the species A. ocellaris

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Wild ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) eat algae, planktonic organisms that float by its host anemone, and debris that clutter in the anemone. They are omnivores.

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Yes, it is not thought of because the very most common clown fish is orange, but there has been rare reports of red, yellow, and even green ones! But some were not identified as clown fish and named something different. But they found a green clown fish's egg to a common orange clown fish, and the DNA was matched.

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Clown fish in french is poisson clown

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Is clown fish a bird?

Hm let me see. Clown FISH Clown FISH My guess would be it's a ........FISH! ~Me~

How do you explain why clown fish are called clown fish?

In finding nemo. they were clown fish and they made jokes.

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Is a clown fish a herbivore?

The clown fish is not a herbivore scientist researched about clown fish is a Omnivore and they eat little fishes too

What is a clown fish nick name?

Clownfish and anenomefish are the common names of some 28 species of saltwater fish in the Amphiprioninae subfamily of the Pomacentridae family. Some popular varieties are the Orange Clownfish, Ocellaris (or False Percula) Clownfish and the Tomato Clownfish.