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Q: What is the oldest age a Labrador Retriever can be to breed?
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What is the oldest retrieving breed of dog?

I would say the golden retriever is the oldest. Because the oldest one of the golden retriever breeds was a twenty two year old. which is one hundred and fifty four in human age!

How old until a labrador retriever can mate?

Usually by age 1.

What is the average age of labrador retrievers?

the oldest lab age would be 15 but normally its 13

What age does a labrador retriever start to menstruate?

A female Labrador can go into heat as earlier as 6 months of age. However, usually it is around the 8 month range.

Will an Labrador Retriever still be energetic at an old age?

It depends on the personality or health I'm sure...

What age con golden retriever?

the oldest one was 19.5 years old!!

Who would win a fight a golden retriever or a labrador retriever?

That all depends on the age, size and temperament of either dog. Typically, a dog with a more nervous energy is one that is more prone to losing than one that is more dominant, because in the dog world, such energy is weak energy, no matter what size or age either dog is.

At what age should a male Labrador Retriever Puppy be neutered?

The average age for any dog to be altered is 6 months--but can be done when the balls drop.

What is the life span of a basset hound?

The life span of a Basset Hound is 8 - 12 years.

How old will labradors get pregnant?

Labradors are a playful, slow maturing breed, that do not reach adulthood until at least 2yrs of age. Do Not breed them before then.

When should labrador retriever start to eat adult dog food?

when it gets to the age of 1 or weighs the same as an adult dog

How old was the oldest curly coated retriever?

some reach age 17 but most 9-14