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Q: What is the only English word that ends in AMT?
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What is the only word in English language that ends in amt?

The word is dreamt.

What is the only word in the English language that ends in AMT?

Dreamt - the past tense of dream

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What is an amt?

An amt is a historical term for a county in Denmark, or an abbreviation of the word "amount".

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numbervar RmVal:=0; numbervar Amt:=0; numbervar pAmt:=0; stringvar InWords :="Rupees "; Amt := numeric value ; if Amt > 10000000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/10000000); if Amt = 10000000 then RmVal := 1; if RmVal = 1 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " crore" else if RmVal > 1 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " crores"; Amt := Amt - Rmval * 10000000; if Amt > 100000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/100000); if Amt = 100000 then RmVal := 1; if Amt 1 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " lakhs"; Amt := Amt - Rmval * 100000; if Amt > 0 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(truncate(Amt),0); pAmt := (Amt - truncate(Amt)) * 100; if pAmt > 0 then InWords := InWords + " and " + towords(pAmt,0) + " paisa only" else InWords := InWords + " only"; UPPERCASE(InWords)

Can they make you pay back the loan if you turn in your vehicle?

In a word YES any difference in the amt. of loan and amt. lender recovers can still be collected.

Is there a 6 letter word ending in mt?

Some commonly-used words in English which end in 'mt' are dreamt, undreamt, and possibly daydreamt. Other derivatives are outdreamt and redreamt.An uncommon word in this category is 'screamt' (a Shakespearean alternative to 'screamed') .This list doesn't include scientific terms or abbreviations such as 'mt' (mountain), 'pmt' (PreMenstrual Tension), 'mgmt' (management), names, non-English words and so on.An amt is also the term for an administrative district in Denmark and Norway. (Ref Webster's English language dictionary, 1913)Rarely used words found in some dictionaries are:appromt (to quicken, to prompt) Listed in Webster's.promt (prompt). Both spellings are listed in Webster's Dictionary and others.