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Q: What is the operational definition of smoking and high blood pressure?
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What is definition of blood pressure?

Blood Pressure: Is the force at which blood flows thorugh the arteries of the body.

Why smoking causes a rise in blood pressure?


Does smoking cause headaches?

Yes it can for the simple fact smoking raises your blood pressure

Is smoking bad for high blood?

Smoking can cause hardening and constriction of the arteries so it is bad if you have high blood pressure.

What are the causes of heart disease?

High blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, Diabetes, Obesity, smoking, age, stress, and even heredity.

Why do coronary stent patients have to quit smoking?

Smoking causes damage to blood vessels, increases the patient's blood pressure and heart rate, and decreases the amount of oxygen available in the blood.

Why is smoking harm full after heart bypass?

Smoking thickens the blood and that means that after a bypass it is putting extra pressure on your heart.

What is the definition of the medical term "lower blood pressure"?

"Lower blood pressure" is not a term that is just used to describe a condition. It is something you need to do if your blood pressure is too high and you have hypertension.

Smoking Cessation Leads to Happy Hearts?

Smoking raises blood pressure levels and puts stress on the heart. The heart has to work harder to get oxygen to vital organs of smokers. An overworked heart can lead to a heart attack. Smoking also makes your blood sticky which can lead to blood clots and stroke. Quitting smoking reduces blood pressure and heart rate immediately and within 24 hours the risk of a heart attack also decreases. Smoking cessation leads to an unsticking of the blood and reduces the risk of blood clots and stroke.

Why is smoking bad for your blood pressure?

The nicotine in a cigarette causes small blood vessels to constrict, which thereby increases blood pressure.

What are the 6 main risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

high blood pressure , overweight ,smoking ,