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While the Qur'an in 28:9 refers to the woman in the Egyptian Court who adopted Moses as being Pharaoh's wife, in Exodus 2:5-10, it is his daughter. Therefore, the Jewish opinions concern Pharaoh's daughter, not his wife.

Jewish opinions of her are mostly ambivalent to slightly positive. One positive is that Jewish commentators like Rashi noted that the women in the Pharaoh's daughter's entourage did not want to bring baby Moses in from the reeds but she commanded them to do so, insuring that Moses would live. The other positive is that when Miriam asked to take Moses to a Hebrew woman (i.e. his birth mother) as a wet nurse, Pharaoh's daughter immediately agreed, allowing Moses to connect to his birth mother and to suckle from his own people. However, in both cases, she was more controlled by Divine Providence than actual moral fortitude.

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Q: What is the opinion of the Jews about the wife of Pharaoh who brought up Moses?
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