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Q: What is the opposite of issues?
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What is the opposite word for issues?

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Is there any problems of having kids when couples have same Rh factor?

There are not issues with a couple having children if the parents have the same Rh factor. However, if the have opposite Rh factors, health issues could be a problem for the child.

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There are an incredible variety of Christian-American viewpoints and Christian-Americans hold the opposite sides of almost all major political issues.

What if the mother doesnt want the child to be raised by father but still pay child support?

The father has the right to visit with his child unless the court issues an order to the opposite.

Is the opposite of the opposite the opposite?

The opposite (antonym) of opposite is same.

Issues issues issues issues issues issues issues what do you need next?

you get issues, like hepatitus C

Can you move in with somebody else at 16 years of age?

In most cases, a 16-year-old cannot move in with someone else without parental consent or authorization from a legal guardian. Laws regarding emancipation and guardianship vary by location, so it's essential to consult with a legal professional to understand the specific regulations in your area.

Why do guys always think that us girls front all the time?

Because guys typically tackle issues in a straightforward, logical way whereas women can respond to issues in a roundabout, emotional way. So, to not appear as though you are "fronting", attempt to be honest and direct in your dealings with the opposite gender.

What is the correct preposition for opposite?

opposite of opposite to opposite from

What is the opposite of from?

An opposite of the word "to" is from.

How do you prove that you remain honest in your relations with an opposite gender person?

Be honest, straight forward and polite. All you can do is simply let them know the truth as it is and then it will be up to them how they take it. If they have trust issues you could be trying to prove yourself blue in the face when in fact they need to deal with their own issues and really has nothing to do with them distrusting you.

Do same-sex couples have the same relationship issues that other couples have?

Yes. Same-sex couples deal with the same-relationship issues as opposite-sex couples. Notable exceptions are issues concerning birth control, fertility and adoption, with are different. Also, same-sex couples deal with discrimination and the effect it has on their finances, family security, retirement planning, immigration status, taxes, etc.