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The opposites or antonyms of transport are inaction, idle, stay, and remain. Some synonyms for transport are transit, carrier, conveying, movement, and hauling.

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Q: What is the opposite of transport?
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What is the opposite of pasive?

If you mean the opposite of passive transport, like through a membrane, the opposite is active transport.

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Passive transport... the opposite of active transport.

What is the opposite of active transport?

The opposite is normally inactive.For people, the opposite of active can be slothful, lax, idle, or indolent.For volcanoes, the opposite could be dormant or even extinct.For sentences, the opposite of the active voice is passive.

What is countertransport?

The transport of tow chemical species across a membrane in opposite directions

Are diffusion and osmosis types active transport?

No. (Active xport would be in the opposite direction.)

What is a gegenion?

A gegenion is also called a counterion. It is an ion with an opposite charge to another in a transport system.

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antiport: transports 2 solutes in opposite directions (example: Na/K pump)

What process is the is the opposite of active transport?

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What means of particle transport requires input of energy in a cell?

Active transport is the term used to define the means of particle transport that requires input of energy from the cell. The opposite of this would be passive transport.

What are two ways active transport differs from passive transport?

Active transport is when cells use energy to move things through a cell membrane.Passive transport is when the cell uses no energy to move materials.Active - Specifically uses energy and through a cell membranePassive - Specifically uses no energy and materials

Do the energized electrons at the primary electron acceptor flow to the reaction center?

No, the electrons flow from the reaction center to the primary electron center. Just the opposite of what you said.

What is antiporter?

An antiporter is a cell protein which acts within an antiport to transport different molecules or ions across the membrane in opposite directions.