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You need a minimum of one yeast organism (which is microscopic). If you start with a very small amount of sugar, water, and yeast, you will wind up with a very small amount of ethanol. It's very logical.

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14y ago
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21h ago

The optimal ratio for making ethanol through fermentation can vary depending on the specific conditions and desired ethanol concentration. A common starting ratio is around 5-6 pounds of sugar per gallon of water, with a small amount of yeast to initiate fermentation. It is important to monitor the process closely and adjust the ratios as needed to achieve the desired fermentation rate and ethanol yield.

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15y ago

30grms of normal bakers yeast to each kg of dectrose (mono) ,approx 2lts water works very well!

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10y ago

I believe it's:

1350g sugar

15g yeast

7.6L water

This quantity is enough to make one litre of ethanol.

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Q: What is the optimal ratio of sugar corn water and yeast to make ethanol?
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The means in the ethanol creation process incorporate processing the corn to supper, melting the feast by including water and cooking, separating starch into sugar, utilizing yeast to mature the sugar to ethanol, refining the ethanol by bubbling off and gathering it by expelling remaining water.Dexterous DMCC is a company that will provide High-Quality Ethanol From Direct Plant .our Product 190 and 200 Proof.even you are looking for Denatured Ethanol OR Non-Denatured Ethanol

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