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Q: What is the oxidation of each ion in the compound MgBr2?
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What is the oxidation number of each ion in MgBr2?

Magnesium is a divalent cation, with oxidation number +2, and bromide is a monovalent anion, with oxidation number -1 for each of the two ions. Thus the compound is electrically neutral.

What compound is MgBr2?

An ionic compound, as it contains a metal ion "Mg2+" and a non metal ion "Br-".

What is the oxidation state of cl in clo2?

This is a gas compound. Chlorine shows +4 as the oxidation number.

What compound has an oxidation number 5?

Phosphorus in PCl5 Nitrogen in Nitrate (NO3-) ion

What must the sum of the oxidation number be equal to?

It must be equal to the charge on the compound/ion

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This is a ionic compound too. Sulfur shows +6 in sulfate ion.

What is the oxidation number of Li in Li Al H4?

This contains H- ion. Li shows +1 oxidation number.

What is the oxidation state of SO42?

In this ion the oxidation state of sulfur is 6+ and the oxidation state of each oxygen is 2-

What compound has the formula PO 3plus?

PO3+ is the formula of an ion known as Phosphoryl ion. Here Phosphorus is in +5 oxidation state.

How is HPO4 is formed?

That's not a stable compound. If you meant HPO4--, it can be formed by either the reduction of the PO43- ion or oxidation of the H2PO4- ion.

What is the oxidation number of platinum tetracloride?

Platinum tetrachloride - PtCl4 The oxidation number is not of platinum tetrachloride but of the platinum ion in this compound - equal to 4+.

How do you find the oxidation numbers?

For a neutral atom or compound, the oxidation number is always 0. For an ion, the overall oxidation number is its charge. If you need to find an oxidation number to a particular atom of a compound, there are two ways: working out the Lewis structures or balancing the charges.