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Q: What is the oxidative capacity of muscle?
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Why do type 1 muscle fibers have the most mitochondria?

Because it is oxidative and depends mainly on oxidative phosphorylation for energy.

What are the types of any muscle fiber?

Slow oxidative fibers Fast oxidative-glycolytic fibers Fast glycolytic fibers

What gives oxidative muscle fibers their red colour?

Presence of myoglobin

What is a fast fiber?

A Fast Oxidative Fiber is a type of muscle fiber with many mitochondria and capillaries. This type has a high myoglobin content. This type of muscle tires more quickly than the slow oxidative fibers and is an intermediate sized muscle. This muscle is good for sprinting and other short, fast-paced activities.

What are the four possible energy sources for a muscle and the three sources of ATP for muscle contraction?

Creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis.

How does exercise increase myoglobin stores?

Myoglobin is a protein within the muscle tissue which acts as an oxygen carrier. As a long term effect of exercise. The ability of the muscles to store myoglobin is increased. Because muscles increase their oxidative capacity through regular exercise, the myoglobin stores also increase because they get used to the demands of exercise and work placed upon them so increase stores as they will be needed. The increase in oxidative capacity is achieved by an increase in the number of mitochondria within the muscle cells, an increase in the supply of ATP and an increase in the quantity of enzymes involved in respiration.

What is the type of muscle that is most resistant to fatigue?

SlowThe slow oxidative muscle fibers are more resistant to fatigue.Cardiac muscle is most resistant to fatigue. Cardiac muscle is constantly working involuntarily to keep us alive by pumping blood through our system. It must be resistant to fatigue for us to be healthy.Intermediate fibers

When might you use slow-oxidative fiber and when do you use fast-glycolytic fibers?

Slow Oxidative: These muscle fibers twitch at a very slow rate and are very resistant to fatigue. The peak force exerted by these muscles is also very low. Slow muscle fibers have a lot of oxidative enzymes but they are low in ATP activity. Slow oxidative fibers are used for aerobic activities Fast-glycolytic fibers: Some muscle fibers can contract at a fast rate and produce a large peak force while being resistant to tiring even after many cycles. These fibers are have a large ATP activity and are high in oxidative and glycolytic enzymes. These fibers are used for anaerobic activities that need to be sustained over prolonged intervals of time.

When might use slow-oxidative fiber and when do you use fast-glycolytic fibers?

Slow Oxidative: These muscle fibers twitch at a very slow rate and are very resistant to fatigue. The peak force exerted by these muscles is also very low. Slow muscle fibers have a lot of oxidative enzymes but they are low in ATP activity. Slow oxidative fibers are used for aerobic activities Fast-glycolytic fibers: Some muscle fibers can contract at a fast rate and produce a large peak force while being resistant to tiring even after many cycles. These fibers are have a large ATP activity and are high in oxidative and glycolytic enzymes. These fibers are used for anaerobic activities that need to be sustained over prolonged intervals of time.

Do fast twitch muscle fibers work aerobically?

In general they will get most of their energy from creatine phosphate and not go through oxidative phosphorylation.

What molecule present primarily within oxidative skeletal muscle cells as an oxygen buffer due to its ability to bind oxygen?


What motor unit has the fewest muscle fibers?

One that isn't needed for precise movement. Muscles that need precise control have motor units with more muscle fibers.