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Q: What is the pH level of heinz apple cider vinegar?
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Is apple cider vinegar acid or base?

Natural apple cider vinegar usually has a pH level of about 5 to 7. Any substance with a pH level lower than 7 is considered an acid and anything higher a base, therefore, making it an acid.

What is the difference between cider and distilled vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apples and an ingredient called 'mother' to help the process of turning it into vinegar. White distilled vinegar is distilled alcohol.

Is apple cider vinegar good for burns?

'Defiantly NOT' - Vinegar is basically a chemical called acetic acid, CH3COOH, and has a PH value of about 2.4 which is way below the body's PH level of 7.2 and could therefore cause a chemical burn.

Is vinegar a bases?

Vinegar is a base with a pH level of about 12.

Why is vinegar dangerous for goats to drink?

Apple cider vinegar in small amounts is not dangerous to goats but as it is an acid too much could alter the bacteria levels in the rumen and give the goat a gastric upset.

Can you drink apple cider vinegar undiluted?

A bit of apple cider vinegar in a diet is a good idea. It adds flavor and a "snap" to things. But it should be used in moderation; you don't want to drink this stuff. It will dehydrate you, and can make you sick if you drink enough of it. A little bit is good, though. We use vinegar in different foods all the time, and you see it most commonly in salad dressings and in entrees like sweet and sour foods.

How much water should a person intake per day?

chech your pH level with a kit available from chemist shop pH of saliva and urine should be 6.3 app drink water and apple cider vinegar to adjust

Does vinegar contain a base?

Vinegar has a pH of about 2.4. Any pH lower than 7 is an acid, any pH above 7 is a base. Vinegar is acidic. It is mixture and contains acetic acid, CH3COOH (a weak acid) as the component responsible for the smell and the acidity.

Is apple cider becoming vinegar physical or chemical?

it is a physical change because no reaction occurs and there is no new substance. :)

Is applesauce helpful for acid reflux?

Apples and applesauce are great for acid reflux. They work best taken as a preventative measure....before you reflux starts. An apple a day works perfectly for me. If you do have an acid reflux attack, eating an apple or some no sugar added applesauce can be very effective at relieving symptoms. The high acidity level of the apple causes the stomach to completely halt acid production. Then the fiber in the food aids digestion. I had AWFUL reflux. To the point where I was nauseas and waking up in the middle of the night trying to not throw up. Apples are a natural cure that changed my life. I take no other acid reducing medicine.

Do man have high acidty?

Some do and some don't. A good habit is to take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water once every day and it will keep your body PH level in balance. Stay healthier by adding 2 tablespoons of raw honey to it. believe it or not meats are acidicv fruits and vegetables are alkaline. eat more raw vegies less meat . vinegar is good if you can swallow it. apples are great.

What has the same pH level as vinegar?

Vinegar has a pH range of about 2.4 - 3.4. Apple juice: 2.9 - 3.3 Grapefruit juice: 3 - 3.3 Lemon juice: 2.3 Orange juice: 3 - 4