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There is no specific password to get on the internet. What you are trying to use is a locked Wi-Fi router that needs a WEP key, only available to the owner of that router. You must find an unlocked router to access the internet without a password.

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Every WEP key is different for each NetGear router. You must go on your computer and access the WEP key from the router from there, as there is no universal NetGear password. If it is not your router, you cannot get the password.

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Q: What is the password for getting on to the internet on the ipod touch?
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What is the password for the iPod touch Internet?

There is no password for the ipod touch internet. There is a password for the internets on the ipod touches the internets that require a password are 2WIRE212, Craig, and LittleOak.

How do you get your password for the internet on an iPod touch?

go to the seting and go to wirless seeting and put password

How can you get internet for your iPod touch?

The iPod Touch has internet as long as you are in an area with wifi. The internet app is called safari which comes preloaded on the ipod. First, be near a wireless router (and if it's locked, get a password for it). Go to settings, and then to Wi-Fi. It will search for the router, and tap the router you want to access (and enter password if locked).

Does ipod touch work without wifi?

To get internet you will have to type a password. It will automatically join if there is no password or requirements.

How do you get a password to your iPod?

you can only put a password on a iPod Touch only. (in the ipod family)

Is password to connect my wireless internet connection to ipod touch the security key?

Try it, If not call apple.

Does the ipod touch come with access to the internet?

If you have a wifi network then the ipod touch can connect to it. You need some kind of transmitter for the ipod to use, something to connect the ipod to the Internet. If you don't have a wireless router then you cannot connect your ipod. This is how it works: Internet > Router > Ipod Touch Without something to create a wifi network you cannot connect the ipod. If you have a router then all you have to do (on your ipod) is go into settings>wifi then click on your network and type in the password.

I have a protected wireless internet at home. My son wants the password so that he can go on the internet with his ipod touch. Is it safe to give out the password?

you whant the billybob password ok i will give you here te password is billybob rules

How can the iPod Touch help you?

the ipod touch can help you by keeping a diary, getting wi-fi internet, personaly, an iphone would be bettet

Does a nano iPod have internet?

No. The only ipod that has internet is ipod touch.

How do you get a password on ipod touch?

in settings

What is a wep password on the iPod touch?

its a wifi or network password