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An egg is released from one of the ovaries 14 days after the first day of your last menstrual period. It takes just a few minutes to travel to your fallopian tubes and is held there until it is fertilized (or isn't fertilized). The egg is at it's peak for fertilization for 24 hours after arriving in the fallopian tube, but is available for fertilization until the next menstruation occurs.

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10y ago

Ovulation - this is the ONLY time an egg can be fertilised.

Typically ovulation occurs two weeks prior to menstruation and only lasts 24 hours, as an egg will only live around 24 hours at most there will only be a viable egg present for 48 hours (if multiple eggs are released) of the menstrual cycle.

A woman can only get pregnant if she has sex either during ovulation or the week prior when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present, this mucus is what helps sperm swim through the cervix, keep it protected from acidic vaginal pH, and may help sperm survive up to a week (but only a few days is more likely).

The idea that women can get pregnant any time of their cycle is a myth, although unless a woman uses Birth Control such as Fertility Awareness Method she can't know for sure when she is fertile - thus fertility should always be assumed, and thus another form of birth control should be used to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

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up to 24hr

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Q: What is the peak fertilization time for a newly ovulated egg?
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