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Why would you not do what is required and have to deal with it later on - Just go to and complete your hours fast and easily.

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Q: What is the penility for not doing court appointed community service?
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What do i do in court after my community service is done?

Probally get more. (: Court sucks;

How to fullfill community service hours?

Do the service as the court or its agency directs,

How long would your term of service be if you wanted to join the supreme court after law school?

The Supreme Court is appointed by the President. You wouldn't be appointed right out of law school, you need experience. Appointments to the Supreme Court are for life.

How much does a court appointed translator make?

The payscale for such translation service is set by the individual court systems, and because of this there is no way to answer the question.

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File a resignation with the court that appointed you.File a resignation with the court that appointed you.File a resignation with the court that appointed you.File a resignation with the court that appointed you.

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US Supreme Court justices are appointed for life, or until they retire.

Can you ask for community service in small claims court in order to pay a judgment?

No. Community Service is imposed for criminal law; the small claims court is for civil actions. All they can do is agree the debt owed to you, and enforce settlement.

What will happen in court for drug paraphernalia as a minor in Ohio?

Community service and/or a fine. I think.

Can you open an estate account for your deceased mother even if you do not live in the same state where she lived?

You may if you are the court appointed estate representative.You may if you are the court appointed estate representative.You may if you are the court appointed estate representative.You may if you are the court appointed estate representative.

If you are doing community service does it mean you have a criminal record?

Possibly. Obviously you were found guilty because your 'sentence' was to perform community service. Only if the judge indicated that the charges would be dismissed upon completion of the community service will the record go away. If the judge did not so indicate, then it will remain on your record. Check with the Clerk of The Court for what the record of your court hearing says.

Where can my children volunteer for community service?

There are many different places that you can take your children for community services. If you check with the local court systems, you can find out the difference ways for community services.

Are Kentucky circuit court judges elected or appointed?
