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Q: What is the percent of children living in shelters cities villages etc in India?
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Why Population In Villages Is Higher than Cities?

In the cities people are super busy exploring and dreaming and don't have time to take care of children, it cost a lot to raise children in the cities, In the villages there is more time and less things to do, raising children become easier and more affordable because of the tight community net.

Are there more cities or villages in the world?

There are more villages than cities in the world. Villages are smaller settlements with a smaller population compared to cities, which are typically larger and more developed urban areas.

Why do people migrate to cities from villages?

People migrate to cities from villages to get better health care, education better employment.

Do cities have a higher crime rate than villages?

yes cities tend to have a higher crime rate than villages

How many Mexican cities are there?

There are some 2454 cities, towns an villages in Mexico.

Where are the walled cities located?

The walled cities are located in India in rural villages.

How many towns and cities are there in Spain?

About 8105 cities, towns, and villages in Spain

How did early cities differ from neolithic villages and towns?

cities were larger and more complex.

Are there still fallout shelters in American cities?

yes. yes there are.

Does Egypt have electricity?

In the cities and bigger villages - yes.

Do People in of Indonesia live in villages or cities?


What is the total number of cities towns and villages in France?

France (mainland and oversea regions) has 36 682 "communes" (cities, towns and villages with an independent local council).