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You are extremely vague and stupid... Percent for a certain year?? Percent of everyone that ever lived; even dumber....

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Q: What is the percent of people who died from blood transfusion related diseases?
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Related questions

How does a person get infected through blood transfusion?

People are rarely infected with HIV through blood transfusion now. Scientists have not always known what HIV was or how to detect it. During this time, many people were infected with HIV as a result of blood transfusion. Thankfully, now every blood sample collected is tested for a variety of diseases, including HIV.

Which do you get first AIDS HIV or AIDS related diseases?

People contract HIV first. In time, they will develop AIDS-related diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma or PCP (pneumocistis carinii pneumonia). Once they have AIDS-related diseases, they are typically diagnosed as having AIDS.

What are the risks associated with receiving a blood transfusion?

Sometimes problems occur with a blood transfusion, but that is supposed to be rare. Some people can have an allergic reaction to the transfusion.

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With elderly people, specializing in diseases and conditions related to aging.

Can epo be used to bring up a hgb of 7 percent in a patient who refuses a blood transfusion?

Yes it can, and this trick is often used to prep people who refuse blood transfusions before surgery.

What are the health problems for Jewish people?

See related links for a website that describes Jewish genetic diseases.

How many people in America have autoimmune disorders?

Estimates place the number of people with autoimmune diseases at 1 in 12. In the United States it is 23.5 million according to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association.

What are the problems related to wastes?

If we put waste along the way or the road may cause different diseases to the people.

Is there anyone who has died because of smoking?

Many, many people die from smoking and related diseases every day.

How many people die each year from cardiopulmonary disease?

Approximately half of all deaths are related to cardiopulmonary diseases.

How much does the DNA of all people on the planet mach?

All human beings are 99.9 percent identical in their genetic makeup. Differences in the remaining 0.1 percent hold important clues about the causes of diseases.