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The answer is actually 37%. Since 2007, more people have started to believe in ghosts.

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Q: What is the percentage of americans who believe in the existance of ghosts?
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What percentage of people believe in ghost?

48% of Americans believe in ghosts, 62% are skeptical.So 110% of Americans have an opinion regarding the existence of ghosts?

What percentage of the worlds scientists believe in ghosts?

True scientists are not fool to believe in ghosts.

Do ghosts exits?

ya they exist in this world .the HOLY QURAN VARIFY THEIR EXISTANCE

How many Americans truly believe in ghosts?

While it is difficult to find a concrete number, the proliferation of paranormal reality shows in the U.S. would suggest that the number maybe higher than it was in the past. Recent polls suggest the number may be anywhere from 33% to 65% of Americans believe in ghosts

What percentage of people believe that ghost are seen as orbs?

At least half of people that believe in ghosts or spirits feel that they may manifest themselves in orbs.

If someone took a pole how many people believe in ghosts what would it say?

29% would believe in ghosts. 71% wouldn't believe in ghosts.

How many people believe in ghosts?

Their are a lot of people that believe in ghosts, and their are a lot of people who don't believe in ghosts. No one really knows how many people believe in ghosts, but mostly thousands believe in ghosts. Some people can sense their presence, and the negative energy they bring.

Is it be someones religion to believe in ghosts?

I am Muslim and in our religion we do believe in ghosts as "Gin" they do exist and we do believe in them. It is in our religion.

Does Bill Kaulitz believe in ghosts?

From a Habbo Chat: "Tokio.Hotel-VIP: No we don't believe in ghosts but we hope aliens exist." Apparently Bill does not believe in ghosts.

What do you call someone who doesn't believe in ghosts?

A person that doesn't believe in ghosts are called skeptics.

Do they have ghosts in France?

Most people don't believe that you can get ghosts anywhere, because they don't believe that ghosts exist. If you do believe in ghost then I can see no reason, if you believe that can get them in some places, why you shouldn't also get them in France, can you?

Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?

There could be some ghosts around.