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Q: What is the percentage of people with low immune system?
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Why do you get so many colds?

Your immune system is low.

Can pnuemonia kill you?

yes it can, when the immune system is so low, there is no defense it will kill, especially elderly and very young people.

What is wrong with the body when a person has the measles?

its immune system is low

Do antigens cause normal immune response?

No. Hapten is an antigen whic has low molecular weight and does not trigger immune system.

Can you get cold sores by having a low immune system?

If you are infected with the herpes virus, then yes you can.

Cancer jab can it kill you?

You can only die of it if you have a extremealy low immune system or have serious illnesses.

Can a teenager get measles?

yes. if your immune system is low and if you haven't had measles before you are susceptible to the disease .

Who can have low CD4?

CD4 cells are an important part of your immune system. Many immune-related disorders, including HIV, can cause a low CD4 count. Another example would be someone who has to take immune-suppressive treatment in order to have an organ transplant.

Is it bad to have HPV for 6 months?

That depends on the strain (high risk or low risk) and the state of your immune system. A weak immune system and a high risk strain could lead to cervical cancer.

What are low eosinophils?

Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell, part of the immune system. In people with lupus, the white cell count including eosinophils, is typically below normal.

What does it mean if you are protected from disease?

It means you have a real strong immune system and your chances of getting sick are low.

Who is affected by tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (Known years ago as consumption) almost always affects the lungs.