

What is the percentage of water present in the moon?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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there is no water on the moon only some ice

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Q: What is the percentage of water present in the moon?
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Is there water present on moon?

No there is no water in the moon.The moon is just a type of rock.

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No, it is no,t though there is water present on some parts of the moon.

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There is no liquid water on the Moon. It's surface is barren rock and dust.

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Why water is not present on moon?

It's more correct to say water is not present in large, surface quantities on the moon, because it would sublimate into space almost immediately. But a project recently sent a rocket crashing into a polar region of the moon, and found that there is fairly substantial subsurface water locked up in the moons soil and rocks, at least in the polar regions - enough to supply a continual source for water if and when the moon is colonized.

Was there water or lava on the moon?

no there was no lava or water That was originally believed to be true, but quite recently some water has been found present in rocks on the mood. However there is no lava, as the moon does not have a hot central core.

What are riles on the moon?

Riles are formed by moving water which erodes loose soil and deposits it on a level surface as the water velocity slows. Riles on the moon may have been formed at a time when water was present there.

Why can't you stay in the moon for one week?

The moon has no air or water so people can not live on it or in it without taking an artificial environment with them. At present there are no artificial environments on or capable of going to and landing on the moon.