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Jewish Answer

The perfect sacrifice is one which is accompanied by repentance and subordination to God's will (Talmud, Berakhot 23a). (In response to the post below this one, it should be noted that my above answer does not refer to human sacrifice, which is prohibited by the Torah.)

Discussion on the Christian Perfect Sacrifice

Judaism does not agree with Christianity that the "Jesus Sacrifice" was the perfect sacrifice. Judaism fundamentally disagrees with the Christian concept of Jesus' divinity and therefore would see the "sacrifice" as a human sacrifice which is explicitly forbidden by the law. Secondly, the concept of a perfect sacrifice that serves as eternal expiation is also disavowed by Judaism.

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Q: What is the perfect sacrifice for God?
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Only God is perfect. However Biblical Christianity is from God.

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no, people are most definitly NOT perfect, only God is perfect;)

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One explanation for this is the philosophy known as "Strong Cessationism", which attempts to explain apparent "cessation", or stopping of God's appearance (known as "theophany") and miracles. It begins from the recognition that the Bible is complete, sufficient, and perfect. Any additional revelation from God would be unnecessary; even counterproductive to the completeness and perfection. This is likewise connected with the sacrifice of Jesus; the sacrifice is so complete and perfect that no further divine intervention is required or desired. Of course, nobody really knows the ways and purposes of God.

Where would be the perfect place to pray to God?

The perfect place to pray to God is here, the time is now. God is everywhere around us, God is in everything. God doesn't live in a temple or a church, God lives in the temple of our heart, the kingdom of God is within. Therefore, we should not search for a place that is perfect to pray to God. God is within us. All we need to do is go within, to shut off the outside world, then we will find that perfect connection with God and we will be able to perform the perfect prayer. Remember, God is not outside, God is inside.

Is messiah a sinner?

In Jewish thought, absolutely. There is no such thing as a perfect person in Judaism, nor is there any requirement to be perfect. Even the messiah will have flaws, because he will be an earthly leader, and not a divine sacrifice. In Christianity, absolutely not. Most Christians view of Jesus is that he was the son of God and perfect in every way.

Why was Jesus put to death on the cross and why did he suffer?

In the Old Testament, people had to offer sacrifices to be forgiven of their sins. God sent Jesus into the world to be the perfect and ultimate sacrifice. Jesus never sinned and lived a perfect life while on Earth. He was crucified to be the sacrifice for all sinners from then on. He suffered because God made Jesus a human to experience the pain and suffering humans deal with to make a more personal relationship with them.