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I think her name was Julie!!

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Q: What is the person doing the ultrasound to find out what the sex of the baby named?
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What determines the position of the baby when pregnant?

By doing the leopolds manuever or using the ultrasound you will know the position of the baby.

Can you get an idea weather the baby is still alive in mothers womb or not by doing a ultrasound scan?

you can use sathopscope to listen the the babys heart

Is there any signs on an ultrasound scan to show the sex of your baby?

Is there any signs on an ultrasound scane to show the sex of baby

Can you tell the sex of your baby by doing a litmus test on the mom like they did decades ago?

No, this isn't accurate. The best way to determine the sex of your baby is by having a ultrasound from 16 weeks.

A candy named after a famous person?

Yes. Baby Ruth.

What is the benefit of using 4D ultrasound over 3D ultrasound?

The benefit of using a 4D ultrasound is that people get to see the progress of their baby. The technology used in a 4D ultrasound allows a movie like feel since they can watch how their to be born baby is moving.

At what point of pregnancy can you get an ultrasound?

You can usually receive an ultrasound around the 18th week of pregnancy. Whether or not you can find out the sex will depend on how cooperative the baby is and whether the ultrasound tech can get a good view of the baby's genitalia.

What is used to see a baby inside you?


What jobs use ultrasound waves?

Doctors use ultrasound to check the health of an unborn baby.

Can you be pregnant for 41weeks and ultrasound couldn't detect the baby?

No, by that stage in a pregnancy, the baby would be ready to be delievered and would definitely show up on an ultrasound.

How far along must a woman be to figure out the sex of the baby?

The sex of your baby can be determined by ultrasound at 16 weeks. Doctors will usually do an ultrasound at 20 weeks.

What does it mean during pregnancy when you have a ultrasound and they can see a sack but do not see the baby?

It can be one of two things either you are not far enough along for the baby to appear on ultrasound or you have miscarried, which in that case you would have been made aware of when they did the ultrasound.