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Im not sure but I do know how mechanical weathering breaks down rocks. By frost action or water going inside the rocks and breaking it apart Gravity an example is a rock falling down a hill for and breaking a part into peaces.

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Q: What is the physical and chemical breakdown of rocks?
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What are the three weathering?

The three types of weathering are physical, chemical, and biological. Physical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces without changing their composition. Chemical weathering occurs when minerals in rocks are dissolved or altered by chemical reactions. Biological weathering is the breakdown of rocks by living organisms like plants or animals.

Physical weathering and chemical weathering?

Physical weathering refers to the breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces without changing their chemical composition, typically due to physical forces like freezing and thawing. Chemical weathering, on the other hand, involves the alteration of rocks through chemical reactions, leading to the breakdown of minerals and their transformation into new substances. The two processes often work together to break down rocks and contribute to the overall process of rock weathering and erosion.

What are the 4 causes of weathering?

The four causes of weathering are physical weathering (breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces by physical processes like freezing and thawing), chemical weathering (breakdown of rocks through chemical processes like oxidation and dissolution), biological weathering (breakdown of rocks by living organisms like plants and animals), and erosion (transportation of weathered material by wind, water, or ice).

How is hydrolysis weathering different from hydration weathering?

hydrolisis is the chemical breakdown of rocks as they react with water where as hydration is the breakdown of rocks as they absorb water.

How is rock broken down into soil?

Rock is broken down into soil through weathering, which is the process of physical or chemical breakdown of rocks into smaller particles. Physical weathering is caused by factors like temperature changes, water, wind, and ice, which break rocks into smaller pieces. Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks through chemical reactions, such as the interaction of minerals with water and acids. Over time, these processes result in the formation of soil.

Related questions

What is the term weathering?

physical, chemical or biological breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller sized particles.

What is the name of the chemical breakdown of rocks?

The chemical breakdown of rocks is called weathering. This process involves the physical and chemical breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces due to exposure to elements such as water, wind, and temperature changes.

How is hydrolysis weathering different from hydration weathering?

hydrolisis is the chemical breakdown of rocks as they react with water where as hydration is the breakdown of rocks as they absorb water.

Is breakdown of matter by electricity chemical or physical change?

chemical change

What mechanical breakdown of rocks by the action of other rocks and sand particles is?

mechanical or physical weathering

What is the mechanical breakdown of rocks by the action of other rocks and sand particles?

mechanical or physical weathering

The breakdown of rock into smaller pieces by physical means?

The process described is called mechanical weathering. It involves the physical disintegration of rock into smaller pieces through processes like frost-wedging, pressure release, and abrasion. These mechanical forces cause the rock to break apart into smaller fragments without changing its chemical composition.

The chemical breakdown of enormous quantities of organic material buried in the sedimentary rocks has produced what type of gas?

The chemical breakdown of organic material in sedimentary rocks has produced natural gas, which is primarily composed of methane.

Is mixing sand and rocks chemical or physical?


Is weathering rocks chemical or physical change?


What is the breakdown of a rocks mineral by water oxygen and carbon dioxide?

This is a chemical weathering.

How do physical weathering and chemical weathering affect rocks in the same way.?

Physical weathering and chemical weathering both break down rocks.