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In cooking, pig's tongue can be used in dishes such as soups, stews, and salads. It is often braised or boiled until tender and then sliced thinly for added texture and flavor. Pig's tongue is known for its rich, meaty taste and can be a delicacy in some cultures.

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Q: What is the pigs tongue used for?
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Can you lick your pubic lice clean?

Yes. Only if you're tongue is dry though. And if pigs are flying. Yes. Only if you're tongue is dry though. And if pigs are flying.

Do gunie pigs have tonues?

gunie pigs have a very small tongue about halve the size of the averege adults thumb :)

What is the function of the tongue in the fetal pig?

In fetal pigs, the tongue is responsible for manipulating food for swallowing, aiding in the taste sensation, and executing movements for vocalization or communication with other pigs.

Is a pigs tongue pork?

Yes. The meat of a pig is considered pork, therefore the tongue would also be considered pork.

Do pigs have tongues?

In the pig, as in most mammals, these are located in fungiform papillae on the tip of the tongue, and foliate and vallate papillae on the back of the tongue. ... As a result of this, the pig tongue has three to four times more taste buds than the human tongue.

Are guinea pigs used as clothing?

Guinea pigs are not used as clothing.

How did the Indians make brushes from buffalo tongue?

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Animals used for xenotransplantation?

Pigs are used.

Is pigs an adjective?

No. Pigs is a plural noun, or more rarely an idiomatic verb (pigs out). It is used as a noun adjunct (without an apostrophe) in the term "pigs feet."

What were tongue scrapers used for in the colonial times?

the colonial apothecaries believes that the white stuff on your tongue was bad germs. the tongue scraper was used to clean the tongue. they placed it at very back of tongue, pressed down, and pulled forwards. then, they cleaned it off, and did the same thing, until the tongue didnt have anything else on it.