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The ANZAC's landed on the bay of Gallipoli. Sorry this is a bad answer but I hope it helps! (:

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Q: What is the place the ANZAC's landed on in the fight against the Turks?
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What was the climate like during the fight between anzacs and gallipoli?

Hot. And, by the way, the fight was between the Anzacs and the Turks AT Gallipolli.

Who did the ANZACs fight against in Gollipoli?

the anzacs fought the Turkish army

How did the Turks win at gallipoli?

Uhm...I think by fighting back real hard... It wasn't only the Turkish soldiers that won, everyon Turk that wanted to fight for his/her country did. That's how they won at gallipolli. Probably couldn't have done it if it weren't for Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who led the fight of the Turks against various European armies.

Which nation did the anzacs fight at gallipoli?

Your question is confused. ANZAC troops defintely saw action against the Ottoman Empire in the east at places like Gallipolli, but the term, the Eastern Front, refers to the War in the East in EUROPE, against the Russians by the Germans up til the Russian revolution & surrender in 1917. So, to conclude, ANZAC troops definitely saw action in the East, but NOT on the Eastern front. Hope this clears up your question.

What did the ANZACS do?

they faught for there country against the Turks in WW1the ANZAC'S help the New Zealand's and the Amercia fight the war in 1914-1920

What nation did the Americans fight against?

The Americans were fighting the Germans.Some did fight the Turks and Italians.They also called the enemies Hungarians.

Why was Anzac cove such a difficult place to fight for the Australians?

The terrain of ANZAC Cove allowed the Turkish soldiers to defend their territory from the cliffs above the beach on which the ANZACs landed. For the ANZACs to advance in any form, they had to climb the steep, hilly terrain, and enter an area where they were completely exposed to the enemy.

Who fought against the ANZACs in World War I?

The ANZACs were the collective group of soldiers sent from Australia and New Zealand to fight on behalf of Britain. Their World War 1 was the same as everyone else's - 1914 to 1918.

What character traits are the anzacs said to have?

the ANZACs were said that a courageous image, to go to war and fight for the freedom of the world.

When did the ANZACS fight?

They went in 1914 then they fought in 1915

Where did the anzacs train before the gallipoli fight?


In which war did the anzacs fight?

world war 1