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Q: What is the place where lions and tigers live called?
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Do tigers protect people from lions?

No. They'd never meet since tigers live in Asia and lions live in Africa.

Why do lions live in the rainforest?

Lions do not live in the rainforest, they live in the African Savannah. Tigers live in the rainforest however.

Do Lions and Tigers Occupy the Same Niche?

No, lions and tigers do not live in the same place. They each have their own niche and avoid one another. In their own habitats, they do occupy the same niche, as apex predators.

What is the differences between tigers and lions?

tigers are bigger then lions and the most biggest tiger is the Siberian tiger. And the biggest lion is the Barbary lion what lives in the Savannah. So the difference between a lion and tiger is size.

Why do lions live in forests?

Lions do not live in the rain forest, you must have mistaken them for Tigers. Lions live in the wide open deserts of Africa.

Do you say a pride of tigers?

Tigers do not live in prides. Except for a female with cubs, they are solitary animals.

Are tigers the king of the jungle?

They should be. As opposed to lions, tigers do live in Forests.

What are animals that live on ice?

tigers and lions and bears

Where do lions tigers cheetahs and hyenas live?


What biome do lions and tigers live?

Lions prefer the savanna while tigers prefer the tropical forest.

Are lions and tigers Australian animals?

lions and tigers do not live in Australia, so they are not Australian animals. Kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, koalas are native Australian animals, because they were not brought into Australia. What makes an animal australian? An Australian animal is one that lives in Australia. Lions and tigers may be brought to Australia to live wildly in the future, and then they will be called Australian. But not native.

What animals live in the svanna?

lions and tigers and bears oh my