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I don't quite understand what the question is getting at, but here's a situation that might come close: A deep well located anywhere on earth between 23.5 degrees north latitude and 23.5 degrees south latitude. The sun would be directly overhead twice each year, which would be the only times when the bottom of the well could be illuminated by direct sun. At the limits ... +/- 23.5 degrees ... that would happen only once a year. There are several stone tombs and circles in the British Isles that permit a shaft of sunlight to strike a certain spot, usually on Midsummer Day, or Midwinter Day. Possibly you are thinking of the sunrise at Stonehenge, which is said to rise over the Heel Stone on Midsummer Day. This is a bit of a myth, since the sightline is short, and the sun rises over the Heel Stone for a day or more either side of Midsummer Day also.

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Q: What is the place where sunlight reaches only one time?
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What is the time the sunlight reaches the earth?

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Does the sunlight reaches the Earth in 7 minutes or there is another exact value?

Sunlight reaches the earth in exactly 6minutes and 32 seconds 27 milliseconds. I know that' complicated but thats the exact time. Thank you for reading.

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What parts of the earth receive direct rays from the sun all year round?

The equator receives sunlight all year round. The sunlight is direct. ____ All of the earth's surface outside of the arctic regions receives direct sunlight all year long. It is only north of the arctic circle and south of the antarctic circle that you have periods of night time extending for long periods of winter. There is no place on earth where the sun reaches the zenith every day of the year; not even the equator. Most of the time, sunlight reaches earth at an angle, but this does not mean that the sunlight is not 'direct'. Even at a location where the sun will reach zenith that day, the sun is at zenith only for a moment. For the entire balance of the day, the sunlight is direct, and at an angle. For that matter, even when the sun is at zenith the sunlight is at an angle: 90 degrees. In other words, the location of the sun when it transits the sky does not determine whether or not you are receiving direct sunlight.

Is sunlight brighter in US than in Europe?

It depends. Sunlight can be brighter in the US or Europe, it just depends on the weather at the time and what place you are looking at. However, sunlight is sunlight and is generally the same all over the planet.

When does photosynthesis occur?

Photosynthesis is the process which is used by plants to prepare their own food, as they are autotrophs. It occurs in day time because for the photosynthesis to take place, two things are required: 1 sunlight (that's why it take place in day time) 2 chorophyll(which is present in green plants) Photosynthesis only takes place in green plants.

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