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The US had a stated goal of preventing the takeover of the "democratic" South by the "communist" North.

But like many Cold War conflicts, it was a case of the US supporting and backing one side, while Russia or China backed the other. When it became clear that the corrupt and fascist South Vietnam could not repel the guerrilla attacks of the Viet Cong, the US committed its own air and ground forces, and eventually faced the regular army troops of North Vietnam.

Although the US used considerable military force, it was not a total war against the North as had occurred in World War II or Korea, and no political armistice could be reached either. When US forces finally disengaged, the South was rapidly overrun and taken over. Many thousands of non-communists in the South fled by boat, but many more were executed, or imprisoned for indoctrination. The common farm people were no longer imperiled by a state of war, but were saddled with a socialist regime.

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The US wanted to calm the rebellion is Vietnam. Vietnam, even then, was a valuable trading country to the US. And they Vietnam government asked for help. By the time the US realized that the war was unwinable. We couldn't back out, or we would have appeared weak.

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Stop the spread of communism.

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Q: What is the political objective of the US in the Vietnam WAR?
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True or false the us won the vietnam war?

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