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about 351 persons per square mile

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Q: What is the population density of Florida per square mile?
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What is the average number of people in a square mile or square kilometer called?

The average number of people living in a square mile or kilometer is called the population density. The population of Florida is 19. 55 million people. The population density of Florida is 297. 3 people per square mile.

What is the population density for Miami Florida?

For the city it is 12,139.5 resident per square mile.

What is China's population density per square mile?

The population density of China is 33.9 people per square mile

Do Brazil or Cuba have a higher population density?

Cuba does. Brazil's population density is 62 per square mile. Cuba's population density is 264.9 per square mile.

What is the population per square mile in Canada?

Ontario, Canada / Population Density - 36 persons per square mile.

What is the population of Mexico in a square mile?

Mexico has a population density of about 142 people per square mile.

What is the population of Ontario square mile?

The population density of Ontario is about 38.1 persons per square mile.

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How is population density expressed?

Population density is typically expressed as the number of people per unit area, such as per square kilometer or square mile. It provides a measurement of the concentration of people in a given area and is useful for understanding the distribution of populations.

What is the population density of Italy?

POPULATION: 60,642,308 POPULATION DENSITY: 201 persons per square km; 521 persons per square mile.

What is the population and the population density of tuvalu?

Population: 11,000 Population Density: 1,100 (per square mile)

Australia's population density per sq mile?

The Commonwealth of Australia has a population of 23,535,807. The population density is 7.3 people per square mile. The population of the Australian continent is 36,000,000, and has a population density of 11 people per square mile.