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There were 2 until one ran over a cliff. so now there is only 1 giraffe in the world.

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There are about 300 giraffes living in the wild and about 200 giraffes living in zoos.

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about 500

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Q: What is the population of Giraffes?
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What can be done to save giraffes?

¤destroy global warming ¤destroy pollution ¤Reduce killing giraffes ¤Increase population of trees ¤Reduce population of human

What is the population density of giraffes?

67 per sq mile

How long have giraffes been endangered?

Giraffes are not currently endangered. They have suffered from poaching and habitat loss caused by human population growth, but they are still listed as "Least Concern." For now.

Darwin and Lamarck had different ideas about why all giraffes now have long necks why?

Lamarck would have said that the ancestors of modern-day giraffes had short necks but stretched their necks as they tried to reach leaves in trees; so, their descendants were born with longer necks. Darwin would have said that in a population of ancestral giraffes, some had slightly longer necks than others; the long-necked giraffes were better able to feed on tree leaves and as a result produced more offspring. Over time, the proportion of longnecked giraffes in the population increased.

If Lamark and Darwin had debated why giraffes have such long necks how would their explanations differed?

Lamarck would have said that the ancestors of modern-day giraffes had short necks but stretched their necks as they tried to reach leaves in trees; so, their descendants were born with longer necks. Darwin would have said that in a population of ancestral giraffes, some had slightly longer necks than others; the long-necked giraffes were better able to feed on tree leaves and as a result produced more offspring. Over time, the proportion of longnecked giraffes in the population increased.

Do giraffes have knees?

Yes, giraffes do have knees.

Do giraffes eat other giraffes?

no never eat other Giraffes.

Are giraffes carnivores?

No. Giraffes are herbivores.

Do giraffes get harmed?

Giraffes can get harmed

What eats acacia?


What is a giraffes movements?

A giraffes movement is walking

What type of animal is giraffes?

Giraffes are mammals.