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Q: What is the preferred fuel for the body during high intensity exercise?
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What is the primary substrate used to provide energy at rest during high intensity exercise?

Carbohydrates are used when the body is at rest it also depends on fat. In high intensity exercise it also uses coarbohydrates.

Serve as an important source of energy for muscles during times of rest and low-intensity exercise?

Proteins serve as an important source of energy for muscles during times of rest and for low-intensity exercising.

The human body depends on what to cool itself?

The human body depends on perspiration to cool itself down. Perspiration occurs during vigorous exercise or during high intensity activities.

What methods are acceptable to assess exercise intensity?

There are many methods that acceptable to assess exercise intensity. All of these methods should be recommended for your body specifically by a doctor.

When does the muscular system grow?

During rest periods and sleep (when the body repairs itself)after exercise when the muscle fibres are broken down through increased intensity.

What is the difference between exercise duration and exercise intensity?

Duration is how long (minutes/hours) that you're working out. Intensity is how hard you're pushing. Are you sweating rivers, or are you just clammy? Can you carry a conversation, are you panting, or are you really struggling for breath?

Are cardiovascular endurance and cardio respiratory endurance the same thing?

Cardio-respiratory endurance is the ability of the body to support the dynamic exercises which we do with large groups of muscles in the body during a period of time at different levels of intensity. Cardiorespiratory fitness is a measure of how well your body is able to transport oxygen to your muscles during prolonged exercise.

How many minutes a day of moderate-intensity exercise are needed to maintain body weight per usda giudelines?

60 minutes

What happens to your body when you don't sweat during an exercise?

You will be fat.

What does exercise do for fat loss?

Any type of exercise could reduce fat. Just 20 minutes of working out can add muscle to you body and reduce fat. High-duration/Low-intensity

Why do you pant when you exercise?

During exercise, your body uses energy. This process requires oxygen. So, if you exercise you pant, or breathe harder, in order for your body to draw in more oxygen.

Sport drinks contain glucose how does this help with performance?

Glucose is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are your main source of energy during exercise. By drinking sports drinks while exercise, you increase the amount of energy your body can use. This allows you to be able to exercise longer or at a higher intensity without fatiging.