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choose Supreme Court and Federal judges

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Q: What is the president's most important judicial power?
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Why is judicial review one of the most important powers of he judicial branch?

Judicial Review is an important part of checks and balances it keeps unconstitutional laws from being passed that would give parts of the government too much power or violate the constitutional rights of the people.

Why is the Supreme Court case Marbury v Madison the most important of all time?

it established the power of judicial review

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How was power distributed in most states after the revolutionary war?

By the Legislative branch having the most power, then the Executive, then the Judicial.

Where is the power of judicial review held?

By most federal and State courts

What government function do you think is most important?

I would say the judicial.

What is the presidents most important role?

The chief of the executive branch

What country most often exercises the power of judicial review?

The United States. Most foreign countries don't allow their high court to exercise judicial review.

Why were US presidents rather than other important people chosen to be on Mount Rushmore?

because they were the most important!because they were the most important!

What is the most important part of a judicial candidate's campaign in Texas?

Party Affiliation

Which branch of government judges appointed for life?

The President has the power to appoint federal judges for life, and Congress confirms or denies the appointments. The federal courts' most important power is that of judicial review, the authority to interpret the Constitution.